SPM Bible Knowledge Students’ Testimonies

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Choo Yuen En

from SM. St. Patrick, Tawau

BK is worth studying when you believe it is. I started to take BK when I was Form 3 and I’ve never regretted taking up that challenge. Though most of us are already familiar with the story of Jesus, somehow there is still something new to learn in every lesson. Sometimes, we may think that we know a lot or ‘enough’ to be called Christians, but in actual fact there is so much more that we are missing.

BK helps me understand more about Jesus. Knowing how He went through really hard times comforts and gives me strength because I know that He understands what I am going through. God is constantly speaking to me through His Word. Studying and reading His Word is much more important than any other subject, for the end of men’s knowledge is the beginning of God’s wisdom.

The Word of God is the source of Life and the Light for our pathway. What benefits there are when we memorize His Word! We should be grateful we’re given this opportunity to take up the Word of God as a subject. There are many out there who don’t even have the chance to read the Bible let alone study it in school. Staying back after class to study BK is tiring, yet I think it is a way for us to test our own desire to draw closer to God. The choice is in yours!


Melvin Lee

from Tawau, Sabah

I started taking BK as a subject when I was in Form 2. I failed my first test and had to retake it, passing it barely. I wasn’t used to the format of answering the questions yet. Having to write long sentences was something new. Nevertheless, I managed to earn a credit in the exam that year. Under the guidance of our teachers, we built a firm base of knowledge of the events that happened in Luke and Acts.

Once I entered Form 4, BK was taken much more seriously as now it would show up on our report card. We were taught by Pastor Teh Chong Lay, an experienced and knowledgeable BK teacher who is also a lay-pastor of the church. In his class, we were brought deeper into the theology, linking them to the Old Testament prophecies. We were helped to understand the significance of certain events. He also guided us in the process of answering questions more precisely and concisely. As time passed; BK became one of the best subjects in my report card (not bad for a guy who failed his first test).

I always looked forward to BK class as it allowed us to openly debate on the theology and relevance of the events. I have learnt to decipher and analyse the Word of God, and through this I felt closer to God as I learn more about HIM.


Choo Yik Wei

from Tawau, Sabah

Studying Luke has led me to appreciate Jesus’ love towards the whole world and the Great Commission he gave to all His disciples, past and present. I also learned more about the culture and tradition of the Jewish people, as our teacher, Pastor Teh always explained the significance of an event or ceremony in the passage.

As for Acts, it is a very encouraging book that tells of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on believers. I truly believe you will be blessed abundantly when you study the Word of God seriously, for His truth sets us free!


Joshua Chew

SM St. Patrick, Tawau

Teacher Evelyn introduced the subject to me and my teacher was Pastor Teh Chong Lay.

Bible Knowledge improved my English as there are no language errors in the Bible. Luke reveals to me who my personal Lord and Saviour is. Acts showed me how the Holy Spirit works through us every day so that I submit to God. The study guide provides additional facts to understand the Scriptures more. It is also a good material for daily devotion to God at home.

Bible Knowledge builds character with challenges such as how to balance spiritual life and studies. I stayed energetic even after a whole day at school and overcoming holiday mood during the 1 week break before taking the BK paper. God helped me to get a B in the SPM and I am thankful for his guidance in my life.

I encourage every Christian student to take BK. You actually learn only 2 books in 5 years, so it’s not too much of a burden to our studies. This is the opportunity for teenagers to be close to God so that one can live wisely, fruitfully and successfully. Most of all, it equips us to serve, to love and to glorify God as we practice His laws carved in our hearts gladly. Make a spiritual investment now.


Gabriel Wong

from Tawau, Sabah

I started taking Bible Knowledge in Form 2. The first thing that crossed my mind was that this subject was interesting. I had been keen to know more about the Word of God. I was quite amazed how the BK class helped break down the two books into smaller little bits, as we swallowed it week by week. It was challenging to take Chinese at the same time, in Form 4, but I’m thankful that I managed. I have learned much about what God is able to do in our lives.

I challenge you to take this subject, not purely as an SPM subject, but as the powerful Word of God so He can use you in His own way. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33).


Peter Aun Maojun

studied at SMK Damansara Utama. He obtained 11A+ in the SPM including A+ for BK. After A- Levels in Help on a JPA scholarship, he went on to a course in Economics and Finance in USA.

My two BK teachers’ were both dedicated. I came to know about BK when I was very young, as my siblings took it for their SPM. Since Form 2, I attended BK classes and Postal Quizzes. I used to think that BK was just another SPM subject. Only later I realized how blessed I was to study God’s precious Word and to be tested on it. Though it requires extra effort and time, taking BK was one of the best decisions I ever made. I never came across another SPM subject that came so ‘alive’!

My weekly class was something I really looked forward to. Apart from great fellowship, it really opened my eyes to many interesting facts and brought a new perspective to God’s Word. And the best thing about BK is you can apply in your daily life!!

One thing really struck me – how perfect and flawless God’s plan is! Take Paul’s missionary journey for example. God perfectly crafted all of Paul’s journeys to ensure His words would spread far and wide at the right time and place. From persecuting the church, he ended up building the church of God! I believe if we all offer ourselves as living vessels for God, he too can use us mightily!

Friends, I believe BK is one great opportunity God has given us to share the gospel with our friends. Many times, my peers in school asked me what BK was and this was a chance to share my faith and to explain who Jesus is. Knowing Luke and Acts well made sharing the gospel an easier task.

I was given an ‘A’ for BK rather than the ‘A+’ I hoped for. To add insult to injury, I was ridiculed by some friends and teachers on the day I collected my SPM results. However, God had a plan. I attended scholarship interviews and was asked about BK. I was able to share my faith with the interviewers and the impact BK had made on my life.

In April, I appealed for a re-marking and, by God’s grace, I received an ‘A+’ . I truly believe that if you honour him, He will definitely honour you. But trust Him to guide and open your mind to remember all the facts.


Esther Hor Shan Lin

studied in Treacher Methodist Girl School, Taiping. She obtained 11A+ in her SPM 2010 including BK.

“What is your religion really all about?”

“What makes you so sure that you are saved, and we are not?”

I took Bible Knowledge because when my friends asked me such questions, I could not quite give them a convincing answer. The knowledge I had about what I believe in was very basic – even embarrassing to some extent. Something had to change.

I have really enjoyed and benefited loads. Honest. Guidance from dedicated teachers and fellowship with a group of like-minded believers were invaluable. Likewise, the knowledge learnt and implemented has helped me grow stronger in my faith. After all, how can you believe, when you are not sure of what you believe in?

Even in my school life, bible verses have helped me through thick and thin. Taking Bible Knowledge has helped me to reach out to my friends who were curious about this ‘new and unheard of subject’.

When I failed to obtain an A+ for this subject in SPM, people asked me that question even more frequently. I was devastated. The look of disappointment on my school teachers’ faces said it all. Why take a subject that ruins your straight A+ result, people asked.

Yes, I may have had let the people around me down, but at the end of the day, the question about education is: What have you learnt? How has it impacted your life? To quote Albert Einstein, ‘Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.’ I believe Luke and Acts stay fresh in my mind till now.

It is true that our Lord works in ways beyond our imagination. After appealing, I received the final A+ for Bible Knowledge. This reiterates the fact that God is in total control of everything; and that everything will happen according to His perfect will. Later, I was awarded the JPA scholarship to study medicine overseas (Penang Medical College/Ireland twinning programme).

Am I looking for a subject that will enable me to get perfect results without much lasting impact? Or am I looking for true knowledge that will carry me through my life?


Winnie Chin Fun Lee

from SMK Convent St. Cecilia, Sandakan, Sabah

My name is Winnie Chin Fun Lee. I am from SMK Convent St. Cecilia, Sandakan, Sabah and was a 2007 SPM candidate. I decided to take Bible Knowledge because I felt that I should grab this opportunity to have a deeper understanding of the Bible since the government offered this subject. I know the study will help my spiritual life as a young Christian. Once I decided to take this subject I prepared to put much effort and time into it. I learnt a lot from both Luke and Acts. The book of Luke gives a reliable and precise record of the history of Jesus Christ’s life and emphasized the humanity of Christ and his perfection as a human. Jesus was the perfect man who gave the perfect sacrifice for sin to become the perfect Saviour for humankind. On the other hand, the book of Acts provides a detailed account of the birth and growth of the early church and the spread of the gospel after the ascension of Jesus Christ.

I obtained 4A’s for my SPM and a 9G for Bible Knowledge. Although I got 9G for my Bible Knowledge, it did not affect me badly as God still blesses me in my studies and in my life. I know that as long as I honour God, He will prepare a wonderful way for me. By the grace of God, I could pursue my studies in University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), taking the Bachelor of Science (Mathematics with Economy) course.

Grades should not be a worry because I believe that as long we do our best, God will help us and never forsake us.


Jemima Wee Wei Ning

Catholic High School

BIBLE KNOWLEDGE IS AWESOME!! I loved going for classes; they enabled me to understand God’s Word in a deeper way. Besides, it was fun. Studying this subject made me reflect on my personal life as well, especially on priorities and my relationship with God.

Undeniably, I had to study hard, but hey, taking God’s Word as a subject is an honour. Some of you might be struggling; I’m here to encourage you: Don’t give up! I know juggling many subjects isn’t easy. I find the following tip helpful even as I’m doing my Form 6 now: When my attention seems to decrease, as my brain seems to turn its back on me, and when I feel like giving up, I just remind myself: there’s always God.

My friends, when you’re in need of help, turn to Him. He’s always here for you. He is your source of strength, your source of hope, especially when you think that your studies like Additional Mathematics or Physics are at rock bottom. Commit yourself to Him everyday, entrust your life to Him. He’ll help you to go through this phase, holding your hand as you go. I felt, and still feel the difference. I believe you will too.