- 2 hour paper in English
- Section A – answer 3 questions on Luke, 15 marks
- Section B – answer 3 questions on Acts, 15 marks
- Section C (Part 1) – answer 1 question of 2, open ended HOTS question, may include application of God’s Word in daily life, 10 marks
- Section C (Part 2) – answer 3 questions of 4, 60 marks
- Based on Good News Version of LUKE & ACTS
Many Christian students do not know that there is a subiect known as Bible Knowledge available on the examination time-table at the SPM level. This is a privilege that has been preserved in our country by God’s grace. We encourage Christian students to consider taking this subject as part of their studies in Forms Four and Five for the following reasons.
- Christian students need to know God’s Word as well if not better than their academic subjects. Far too many Christians strive for success and strain every nerve and muscle to reach university level in the academics but are content to leave their knowledge of the scriptures at Sunday School level. Some of them know their Sejarah (history) textbooks from cover to cover to ensure that they score a distinction. They know their Science and Mathematics so well that they can rattle off complicated formulas without batting an eyelid. However when it comes to the Bible they are lost and unsure of what a verse is all about. To know God better, we need to know His Word.
- Taking Bible Knowledge(BK) is an investment of time for eternity. Matthew 24:35 tells us “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away.’ One day the earth as we know it will be burnt up in fire and all the science and mathematics associated with it will not be applicable anymore. But God’s Word shall not pass away. It will be the only thing that we can take with us into eternity of all the subjects that we study in the eleven, thirteen or seventeen years that we spend in school.
- Bible Knowledge is the anchor that our students need for these times of turmoil. We live in such times of social unrest, physical disasters and economic uncertainties that young people grow up with an unspoken fear in their hearts as to what tomorrow may bring. The transience of time is felt as never before. The bible is our only anchor. God’s Word alone can give the sense of security that we need today so that our hearts will not faint because of fear. If students will get to know more and more of the God of the bible they will stand secure in the knowledge that our God alone “owns the cattle on a thousand hills, the wealth in every mine.” How wonderful to know that “the hand that spilt the stars all across the wide heavens” is the hand that holds our lives safe and secure in all circumstances.
- Bible Knowledge will undergird the minds of our students and provide them with a moral compass that will guide all their actions and decisions in their everyday living. Today young minds are bombarded with all the programmes offered on the TV, ASTRO and Internet, while opening wide the channels of information for us, have made available all kinds of shows with questionable values. Peer group pressure is very strong. Many young people are left without adult supervision today while both parents are out at work. Moral Education in school is largely taught by teachers of a different religious persuasion. The only other subject that may teach principles for living is fast fading from our school curriculum, that is English Literature; and again it is largely taught by non-Christians. The study of Bible Knowledge will help our students make decisions that are based on biblical principles.
- The church in Malaysia needs strong leaders today and tomorrow. Christian leaders are grown not born. Our students need help to nurture their roots in the Christian faith in order to provide dynamic leadership in the future. If they will consciously decide to set aside time to study Bible Knowledge for SPM, they are disciplining themselves to master the material in Luke and Acts and filling their minds with the knowledge of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Early Church. As they do this week by week, they will saturate their minds with the thoughts of God and begin to think God’s thoughts after Him. Taking Bible Knowledge is like having a part-time theological seminary brought into our own school curriculum. The in-depth study of Luke and Acts will prove to be an invaluable foundation for the study of the other books of the Bible in later life.
- Taking Bible Knowledge will help improve the students’ command of the English Language. Statistical studies have shown a correlation in this. We live in the age of Information Technology, surfing the Web and international business. It cannot be denied that English has become the lingua franca of the world. Reading, discussion and written homework in English while studying Bible Knowledge gives invaluable practice in the language. Memorization of certain passages will help the formation of language patterns in the mind that will automatically enhance the mastery of the language.
- A bonus for those who will take BK is the fact that it will count for your SPM certificate. Bible Knowledge is listed under “Mata Pelajaran Di Luar KBSM” in the examination syllabus. You can take it as the ninth or tenth subject after the compulsory core subjects and the required electives. It will help towards scoring a good SPM certificate if you work hard and do well in the paper,
- Finally, taking BK for SPM is a testimony to our teachers, school administrators and government officials that our Christian faith means something to us. We are actually very privileged in Malaysia. It is probably the only Muslim country where the government still makes available a paper on The Life And Teaching Of Christ As Found In St. Luke and The Founding Of The Early Church As Found In The Acts Of The Apostles. On the front page of the paper it is stated. “Hak cipta kerajaan Malaysia”. We thank God for a government that is tolerant. Just a brief scan of the statistics of the number of candidates for BK nationwide over the years will pose a challenge to us.
For School Students
You can register with the School when you register with other SPM subjects.
For Private Students
You can register with the Ministry of Education to take the subject as a private student.
Website of Exam Syndicate / Lembaga Peperiksaan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia – http://lp.moe.gov.my/
For those interested in acquiring materials and further information, contact the following:
Teachers’ Christian Fellowship,
C10-0-05, Subang Perdana Goodyear Court 3, 47610 Subang Jaya (Tel: 03-56375623 or email: tcfmy@pd.jaring.my / tcfoffice.my@gmail.com )
Malayan Christian Schools Council,
MCSC Office, BB Education Centre, c/o SMK (L) Bukit Bintang, Jalan Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor (email: contact.mcsc@gmail.com)
Federation of Christian Mission Schools Council, Malaysia (FCMSM),
FCMSM Office, BB Education Centre, c/o SMK (L) Bukit Bintang, Jalan Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor (email: federationms@gmail.com)
Scripture Union Peninsular Malaysia (SUPM)
386, Jalan 5/59, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 03-7782 9592
Website: su.org.my
List of BK Classes
Click to download the list of BK Classes that are being taught throughout the country.
Bible Knowledge
Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
Code 9221/1
This syllabus provides for the study of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospel According To St. Luke and the growth of the Early Church as contained in the Acts of the Apostles. The Today’s English Version (Good News Bible) is the accepted standard text. Candidates, however, will not be penalized if they use other versions in their answers. The syllabus requires a minimum of two hours instruction per week over a period of two years.
The general aim of this course is to acquire knowledge and understanding of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and the growth of the Early Church. Candidates will be expected to :
- recall and select factual information;
- describe, explain, relate and compare and contrast events and teachings in an organized manner,
- describe and show an understanding of the role and importance of special people;
- appreciate the Christian response to moral issues.
Subject Content
Candidates should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the historical, cultural, political, social and religious setting of the period. A detailed knowledge or both texts is required. The subject content is divided into two sections:
Section 1 : The Life and Teaching of Christ as contained in the Gospel of St Luke (Chapter 1-24)
Section 2 : The Acts of the Apostles (Chapter 1-28)
Examination Format
Candidates are required to sit for one paper the duration of which is two hours.
Please click on the links below for further information:
Annual National SPM Bible Knowledge Quiz (Year)
Regional Level
Date: Usually in June at Regional Centres.
National Level
Date: Usually in August in Klang Valley
BK Written Quiz (Year) (BK-Year)
50 multiple-choice questions in 40 minutes)
Regional Level : Text – based on some chapters in Luke or Acts
National Level : Text – based on some chapters in Luke or Acts
Dates for Bible Knowledge Oral Quiz (Year)
Regionals: Usually in June
Nationals : Usually in August
Click on the button below to download and read the report.
More information about the POSTAL BIBLE KNOWLEDGE QUIZ
For more info or to register, contact us at 03-7782 9592 or email siewmeng@su.org.my